How to File a Distracted Driving Lawsuit in Washington State

Accidents involving distracted drivers are on the rise across the nation. If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you should work with a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer who can help you fight back and obtain the compensation you deserve. 

Distracted driving is a growing problem nationwide. As people are spending more time commuting in traffic, they are finding themselves engaging with their phones more often, which requires them to take their eyes off the road. However, even a momentary distraction can put drivers, passengers, pedestrians, and others at risk. By taking your eyes of the road for just one second can cause you to not brake in time, leading to a disastrous accident. As more incidents involving distracted drivers arise, it’s worth taking a look at how an injured individual can hold a distracted driver accountable for their negligent actions by pursuing a personal injury claim. Winning compensation can help you cover the costs associated with your injuries, including medical bills and lost wages.

A Growing Problem

Recent estimates released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that over 1,000 people are injured in crashes involving distracted drivers every day in the U.S. In 2015 alone, over 391,000 people suffered injuries in incidents caused by distracted drivers. Statistically speaking, drivers under 20 years old are the most likely to be involved in distraction-related fatal crashes. According to a 2017 report, 42 percent of high school students reported using their phones while driving within the past 30 days. Although texting while driving is prohibited in most states, including Washington, many people still engage in this dangerous behavior while behind the wheel. As a result, pedestrians, cyclists, and others are at risk of suffering an injury—or worse—at the hands of a distracted driver.

What to do if You’re Injured by a Distracted Driver

Immediately following the incident, be sure to assess the scene to determine whether anyone needs immediate medical attention. If so, call an ambulance. Then, contact the police so that an officer can arrive to compile a report. The responding officer can determine whether a cell phone or other distraction contributed to the accident. You should request a copy of the accident report, as the information can be used to build a solid personal injury claim in the future. Once you’ve received medical treatment from your doctor—making sure to hold on to any notes or documents that illustrate the extent and nature of your injuries—you should contact an experienced personal injury lawyer who can help you take the necessary steps towards obtaining compensation.

Taking a Stand

At Henderson Taylor Law Firm, we are committed to giving you a voice. Our passion for justice inspires us to listen carefully to each client so that we can give them the support and encouragement they need as we fight for their best interests. If you have been injured in an auto accident caused by a distracted driver, reach out to us immediately so that we can help you receive the compensation you are owed. Call our Vancouver office today at (360) 737-1478 to get started.


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