Carrying some form of auto insurance is required by law in 48 states, including Washington. Car insurance can certainly come in handy, especially if you are injured in an unforeseen accident and you need help receiving compensation to pay for your medical bills and lost wages. However, even if auto insurance is mandatory and does benefit many individuals, there are still some drawbacks to it. Let’s take a look at four major pitfalls of auto insurance—those that cause the most inconvenience and frustration to car owners nationwide.
Pitfall #1: Money, Money, Money
Car insurance can be expensive. Depending on your policy, you are likely paying a significant monthly premium just to keep your coverage active. Should you ever be involved in an auto accident, you will likely still have to pay a sizable deductible before your car insurance company steps in. While the amount of the deductible is typically negotiated when you purchase your car insurance, you’ll still find yourself battling a difficult ratio. Basically, the lower the deductible amount is, the more expensive your monthly insurance premium will be. Either way, you’ll be shelling out lots of money over time—and you may not ever need your auto coverage at all!
Pitfall #2: Coverage is Irrelevant to You
Auto insurance is basically a game of chance. Although it’s widely assumed that you may be involved in a car accident at some point in your life, this is not true for everyone. If you are a safe driver who travels short distances around town, you may go for years—or even decades—without needing to claim your insurance benefits. In this case, the law will have required you to pay thousands of dollars over time for a service that you never actually needed. While some auto insurance companies are rolling out “good” or “accident-free” driving rewards that offer discounted rates, it’s still frustrating for many people to pay for a service that they do not want or need.
Pitfall #3: Incomplete Coverage
When you purchase car insurance, you’ll be presented with lengthy documents full of hard-to-understand language. It’s easy to skim through the fine print and sign your name so that you can get on with your day. However, without truly comprehending the specifics of your coverage, you may one day face significant financial consequences. You may assume that your coverage will pay for a certain repair, only to have the insurance company outright deny your claim. Even if you have your claim rejected, it may be impossible to locate the language in the complex waivers and documents you signed that clearly articulate why your coverage was denied.
Pitfall #4: Your Insurer May Ignore You
One of the most frustrating situations a car owner can find themselves in is dealing with a car insurance company who refuses to honor the opinion of the owner’s trusted mechanic. If your car was damaged in an auto accident and you took it to the repair shop or mechanic that you deeply trust, you may end up battling to have your mechanic’s quote accepted by the insurance company. Certain insurance companies only value the opinions of their specific network, causing them to dismiss or reject the professional evaluation of your preferred mechanic. As a result, you may be forced to take your car to another shop, where you don’t fully understand or trust the opinion of these mechanics.
Giving You a Voice
Since 2001, Henderson Taylor Law Firm has been helping clients throughout southwest Washington successfully file their personal injury claims and win the compensation they are owed. We are committed to pursuing justice on behalf of our clients, especially those who have been ignored or pushed aside by large insurance companies. Call (360) 737-1478 today to learn more about how we can give you a voice and ensure that your story is heard, acknowledged, and respected.